Walk the Talk: Plodcasts
Step into the stories. New episodes come when they’re ready.
Episode 15: The Columnist- Catherine Ford
She’s acerbic, insightful, passionate, and blunt. She’s Catherine Ford. The former national newspaper columnist is 80 year’s old, and still has a lot to say about life, politics, the human condition, the current plight of the media, and her immunity to hangovers. What do two veteran journalists talk about when they wash up on the same beach? Tune in to find out.
Episode 14: The Astronaut Politician- Marc Garneau
Marc Garneau was the first Canadian in space, and later served as Transport Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. In this revealing one-on-one conversation we talk about his "Most Extraordinary Ride", a phrase that both describes his life and is the name of his new memoir. We cover topics as wide-ranging as Canada’s space program, the rise of commercial space travel, his roll in navigating the country through the Covid pandemic, and his frustrations working with Justin Trudeau and the Prime Minister’s office. (Photo: David Kotsibie)
Episode 13: The Senator- Paula Simons
Parliament Hill looks like an armed encampment these days, bristling with Parliamentary Protection officers. Politicians complain daily of threats and harassment. Where does the anger come from? Are Canadians really as divided as our politicians would have us believe? What feeds this narrative of a binary political world? A walk with Senator Paula Simons, in search of sober second thought.
Episode 12: The Whale Whisperer-Dr. Rachel Cartwright
Dr. Rachel Cartwright tackles some of the great mysteries of the giants of the deep. Why do whales breach? What is a whale birth like? And just what are they talking about down there? Come for a walk on deck the Cunard Queen Elizabeth.
Episode 11: The Air Farce Ace- Don Ferguson
What's funny, and what's cruel? And is there such a thing as a Canadian sense of humour? For fifty years the Royal Canadian Air Farce ruled Canada's comedy airwaves. Come for a walk with Don Ferguson, founding member of Canada's longest running comedy troupe.
Episode 10: The Newfoundlander-Melanie Rideout
For 30 years Newfoundland has had a declining population, as young Newfoundlanders leave the island to find their fortunes elsewhere. But for some the call of the sea and the place they call home is so strong, they find ways to stay. This is the story of Melanie Rideout.
Episode 09: The Lighthouse Innkeeper- Ed English
At the extreme northern point of Newfoundland’s Great Northern Arm, there is a small island surrounded by icebergs, whales, and wild seabirds. Come for a walk with Ed English, owner and innkeeper of the Lighthouse Inn on Quirpon Island.
Episode 08: The Elder in the Making- Cowboy Smithx
“The frequencies of the land have been unlocked, the wifi passwords have been figured out. We have them and we’ve been trying to share them.” Come along on a shoreline amble where the Bow and Elbow rivers meet with Cowboy Smithx, Blackfoot filmmaker and founder of the acclaimed International Indigenous speaker series REDx Talks.
Episode 07: The Bird Man- Don Enright
Each spring migrating birds follow ancient flyways, along fault lines and mountain ranges, guided by gravity, polarity, and stars. Billions of creatures worldwide, continuing a ritual that began eons before we crawled out of the mud. This plodcast is a walk through the rainy Carolinian forests of Canada's southernmost tip, Point Pelee National Park, with birdwatcher extraordinaire Don Enright.
Episode 06: The Phoenix- Dave Bidini
Rising from the ashes of Canadian journalism. Why would anyone start a newspaper in this day and age? A wander through Toronto's West End with author and musician Dave Bidini. We talk about journalism, the Rheostatics, pranking the Tragically Hip, pissing off Gordon Lightfoot, and why every kid should join a rock band.
Episode 05: The Candidate- Naheed Nenshi
Former Calgary mayor Naheed Nenshi has thrown his hat back into the political ring, running for the leadership of the Alberta NDP. We stroll through Calgary’s East Village and try to answer three big questions. Why would anyone run for political office in this day and age? If he wins what will he be up against? And how would he change Alberta if he gets the chance? (Photo credit: Ryan Sauve).
Episode 04: The Radio Star- Matt Galloway
What do radio hosts talk about when they’re not on the air? Come for a walk with Matt Galloway, Host of CBC Radio’s The Current. We talk about dealing with famous people, the joy of live radio, the responsibility of being Gzowski’s heir, the pros and cons of life in Toronto, and the future of the CBC.
Episode 03: The Indie Rocker- Matt Mays
Musician Matt Mays on the hoser vibe, a musician’s confidence, dealing with the normal world, and being newly sober— 90 meetings in 90 days battling “the only disease you can get yelled at for having.”
Episode 02: The Haida Watchmen- Gaajiiaawa & James Williams
Haida elder Gaajiiaawa takes me for a walk along the shores of her ancestors.
Episode 01: The Poet- Lorna Crozier
Award-winning author Lorna Crozier talks about poetry, place, loss, and love.